online marketing

Are You Looking for Faster Horses or RESULTS?

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Are You Looking for Faster Horses or RESULTS?

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” ― Henry Ford

Do you know what YOUR clients and customers really want?

What basic need are you meeting when a customer buys your product or service?

You must know this. AND you must know what makes you uniquely qualified to satisfy that need. Only then can you tell your story in such a way as to be the undisputed, best choice when it comes time for your clients and customers to part with their hard-earned cash.

When developing ...

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Content is King … And Good Writing Makes You Reign Supreme

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In 1996, Bill Gates wrote an article titled “Content Is King.” He was talking about information on the Internet, of course, and since then, the debate has raged over whether or not he was right.

I think anyone would agree that Bill Gates is a smart businessman and a savvy marketer. His “notions” have made him a lot of money.

So I’m in the camp that agrees with him about online content. Are you with me?

But, while I do agree that “Content is King,” I feel that there has to be a caveat … it has ...

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